
I love U!


too bad tht ramadhan is coming to its end..hve we increase our taqwa??
r we suppose to b called as MUTTAQIIN??let's take a look at wat we've done this ramadhan..

PMR..argh! i just can't wait till this thing is over!!sabar heyr..sabar..lg sebulan je..
kalo nk diibaratkn gembiranya abes PMR ni mcm org yg terkurung ddlm sbuah bilik kecil dan tidak dpt berbuat ape2 ddlm bilik tsebut kecuali mkn dan minum...dan slps 15 thun tekurung ddlm bilik tsebut org itu dbebaskn dr bilik tesbut dan dia bebas melakukan apa shaja..(amek ko)haha..

lastly,i hope tht i wont b updating this blog anymore for d next one month!!coz i need to study..but of course i will update coz HARI RAYA is coming..haha..ok..let's study..PMR..heyr,PMR,PMR..haha..n doakan la kejayaan ku menghadapi Penilaian Menengah Rendah ni eh..walaupun tk bpe penting..huhu..peace wa salaam lakum...
p/s:actually tittle tu tkde kene mengena..sje nk trik pehatian utk membace..haha..

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